Nov 17 What Stole My Attention This Week

Witness Let Slip that Apple Gets 36% of Google Revenue for Default Search Status

During the US v. Google antitrust trial, University Of Chicago Professor Kevin Murphy revealed the figure while testifying. According to Bloomberg, Google lawyer John Schmidtlein “visibly cringed when Murphy said the number.

Google being the default search engine on all Apple devices and the fact that it spends billions a year to do so, is central to the case. In 2021, they spent $26.3 billion for the privilege, $18 billion of which went to Apple.

Read more on The Verge

Or read on Bloomberg if you can get past the paywall

How Many Of Gen Alpha’s Slang Terms Do You Know?

Sticking out your gyat for the rizzler

You’re so skibidi

You’re so Fanum tax

I just wanna be your sigma

These are the lyrics to a song making the rounds on TikTok, stringing Gen Alpha’s slang words together.

Educate yourself with the full take by The New York Times

It’s About Time for Women’s Sports

Emma Hayes will coach the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team - and landed a record salary to do so.

Joining from Chelsea FC Women, Emma’s value deserves to be compensated appropriately. She will earn a base salary similar to the U.S. men’s coach of $1.6 million a year, with bonus amounts ultimately impacting final compensation.

Read more on The Wall Street Journal

A UK Grocery Store Fired Its Self-Checkouts

Customers preferred the problem-solving capacity of a human instead of a machine calling the shots. Now apparently WalMart and Costco are taking notice.

Quality of YouTube Ad Inventory Called Into Question, Again

After a scathing study earlier this year claiming 80% of YouTube ads break Google’s rules, resulting in advertisers paying too much and ads being placed on low quality websites, a new report is in. According to Ad Week, advertisers are having trouble verifying the channels their most premium YouTube ads are running on.

Does This Car Qualify for Free Shipping?

Soon, people will be able to shop for a Hyundai on Amazon. (But you still need to go to a dealership to pick it up)

Apparently Gen Z’s Attention Span Craves Podcasts

Spotify just released their 5th annual Gen Z trend report, which shows that Gen Z is driving a significant spike in podcast listening.


Dec. 1 | What Stole My Attention This Week


Nov 10 What Stole My Attention This Week